
Mouth breathing, malocclusion and restoration of nasal breathing

Mouth Breathing, Malocclusion & restoration of nasal breathing  SHARE TWEET PINIT EMAIL Dental News 6 months ago / 11606 Views Mouth Breathing, Malocclusion and the restoration of nasal breathing Derek Mahony – info@derekmahony.comRoger Price – Dental News June 2019 Issue Introduction Most dentists and orthodontists are aware of the impact that mouth breathing has on the development of the maxilla. Most are…
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Why are our mouths and jaws getting smaller?

Here's a great article, beautifully written,  talking about jaw sizes, crooked teeth, children, poor sleep, babies, behavioural issues, mouth breathing, pregnant women AND myofunctional therapy. Our Skulls are Out-Evolving Us
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Structure inhibiting function

The way we breathe, swallow, chew and what we do with our lips, cheeks and tongues when we’re not talking or eating (our function) as a baby or toddler can influence the development of our faces and jaws – our bony structure. What happens though, if we try to improve the way we function later…
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Better Sleep for School

  From - Better Sleep for School Problem: More than half of all children with ADHD, learning and behavioural problems at school have a sleep disorder. ADHD and sleep: Approximately 6% of school aged children are diagnosed with ADHD. This condition is characterised by problems with attention, concentration, hyperactivity or impulse control. Because these are the…
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